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Nastya i Egor & Plyumbum, ili Opasnaya igra

Nastya and Egor & Plumbum, or The Dangerous Game
Filmstill from PLUMBUM

Thu 21.09.

  • Director

    Aleksei Balabanov

  • USSR, Russian SSR / 1989
    32 min. / DCP / Original version with English subtitles

Nastya i Egor

Beforehand, we’re showing NASTYA I EGOR, a cinematic portrait of two protagonists of the Sverdlovsk rock scene.

  • Director

    Vadim Abdrashitov

  • USSR, Russian SSR / 1987
    97 min. / 35 mm / Original version with German subtitles

Plyumbum, ili Opasnaya igra

A 15-year-old schoolboy volunteers at the local police station to free his hometown of “rubbish”, which is how he refers to anyone who doesn’t behave in line with social norms. When his actions are rejected even by the police, he decides to go it alone in entirely unscrupulous fashion and wreaks more and more havoc on his surroundings. With this story of a frighteningly unempathetic, arrogant antihero, Vadim Abdrashitov warned of the reactionary tendencies that can form in times of political and social upheaval while the last stage in the history of the Soviet Union was just beginning. (nf/gv)

Funded by:

  • Logo Minister of State for Culture and the Media

Arsenal on Location is funded by the Capital Cultural Fund